Sunday, April 21, 2013




Nirbhaya and Masoom are just two of the countless victims of rape in India. There were demonstrations by Public, women and men both. All law-abiding citizens are concerned. All civilized citizens are concerned. Very deeply at this point of time.

But, whether the Governments concerned, Central and State,  are really, really, seriously concerned is a matter inviting a lot of skepticism.

The Police have proved that they are not equal to the task. They can punish the victims further – which is the easiest task possible for them. This, they are proving again, and again, and again, before cameras also. How many innocent lives have suffered beyond the camera lights is only to be imagined.

When a camera light proves a Police man wrong, he is suspended – at best. He is caught committing the worst possible crime in Police Uniform, and no one seems to have been punished from the men in Uniform for such gross offenses. Not many believe the Governments any more – that they mean serious business – in ensuring that Justice is in fact done to the RAPE VICTIMS. Not many in fact believe that the Governments are serious to prevent RAPES and eve-teasing – and ensure safety of our women-folk.

I am yet to come across any ruling party man who has spontaneously and strongly condemned the violence of the men in Uniform on the women victims and demanded their dismissal and Jail term – which are the right punishments for such offenses. A punishment for these criminals should set right the others. This is not happening in case of the men in Uniform. Unitl this happens – no one expects them to be serious about protecting the women victims.

Some People are demanding stricter LAWS. There is no one to enforce existing Laws. Who will enforce stricter Laws?

Where are those FAST TRACK COURTS  delivering speedy sentences?

I feel, and I feel it very strongly, that, rape perpetrators –especially of children - must be publicly shamed and flogged in every street corner in their town and in the town where the incident occurs. They should be flogged once in every quarter, until their sentence is over. Ditto for Gang rapists. There cannot be any sympathy for rapists of children and Gang rapists.

This said – we must also ponder over, again and again, why this heinous, barbaric, inhuman behavior is surfacing again and again. Until, the causative factors for such behavior are eliminated or at least minimized, I do not expect that a stringent law will by itself bring down the incidents.

If bacteria carrying Mosquitoes are in your neighbourhood, your taking vaccines is of small help. You must eliminate the bacteria carrying Mosquitoes for surer relief.

If our Cinemas and TV serials allow high promiscuous behavior and obscenity in the name of dance numbers, obscene dialogues etc – the Children and youth are INFLUENCED  by them – and their sex hormones do get excited by what they see on their TV screens. These excited sex hormones do seek quick release – and this expresses itself in many forms. A person with excited Sex Hormones is not really under his conscious control 100 percent. The Hormones propel him to do certain things. We must all understand this Male sexual behavior.

You can’t always find fault with this compulsive sex behavior of many men – until at least, you don’t carry obscenity and permissiveness on to his home TV screens 24 hours of each day. We cannot and must not ask the Movie Producers, directors and actors their advice on this. They need their Income – and they will defend all the sex scenes in their movies. Ditto with violence – especially violence against women.

I have said this earlier. I am saying this again. But, I have no hope that all these will be taken in right spirit – by the people who must act.

 *  *   *   E  N  D  *  *  *

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