Wednesday, October 2, 2013





The Ordnance and the Bill to allow criminals to stay as our Law makers now stands (almost) withdrawn. The media may say - that people have won; Media has won; etc. But, as I see it, If Rahul had not come out with his NONSENSE, TEAR IT OUT STATEMENT,  Both, Congress and BJP may still have supported the Bill in some form – despite all public outcry – and the Bill in some form may have been passed. There is never knowing how many among Public know all about this. They would still be supporting the Lalus, Jagans, Marans and the host of Politicians who are under lens for crimes allegedly committed by them. So, although I am a Modi Fan myself, I give full credit for this one good thing to Rahul. Modi did not call it NONSENSE. Rahul did. Even after Rahul called it NONSENSE, many in BJP did not seek withdrawal of the Bill in toto. Now, it is time for BJP stand up for total honesty and purity in Public life.

The next thing people want , I want, is RIGHT TO REJECT. It is another essential right for people – to reject all unworthy candidates. We are aware that Political parties will still be putting up unworthy candidates. 

Unfortunately, the way, Laws exist today, circumstances of Political contests exist today, only the very rich can contest; only a goonda can match the goondas from other parties. In such circumstances, we must give  real, enforceable, right to people to reject goondas who are not yet convicted but are known to be goondas, rapists, hate-mongers, violence-mongers and so on.

We, the people of India, must have the right to reject such people. It is not a RIGHT that will create problems for people, as some politicians and Journalists are making out. If all candidates are rejected by people in a constituency, heavens will not fall!  Next time, Parties will put up different candidates. Till then, President will rule. Bureaucrats will rule – say, for 3 to 6 months. People will then select candidates whom they really like.  Let there be no compromise voting by us – voting for the lesser evil . Let us have the best of candidates from all parties.

Some Journalists are writing about the separatists in Kashmir. Let every candidate swear that they will protect the totality and integrity of India. If any candidate speaks for separation, disqualify him instantly. Heavens will not fall by it.

But, RIGHT TO REJECT by itself is insufficient. I, as voter,  want to know the essential details about the candidates. Their qualifications; their services to the nation, if any; their profession; the periods of their stay at different places of the nation; their wealth; and how acquired. Their Income details; and so on. I must be able to choose intelligently. I need all such details published in some common easily accessible web site / News Paper.

These are Basics for a strong Democracy. After 66 years of freedom, we still don’t have any of these things. This is a real shame. I wish, the Parliament will make Laws in this direction immediately.

 *  *  *  E  N  D  *  *  *

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